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- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 94 06:33:27 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #134
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Mon, 10 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 134
- Today's Topics:
- [*] 1994 Factbook v.1.0.sea.hqx
- [*] 4-Matter v1.5.1 - A disk formatting program
- [*] Announce: Toby Demo 1.3 Update
- [*] Apple Menu 7.5 patch
- [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.3; a PowerBook battery utility
- [*] Blobbo 1.0 Lite (strategy puzzle game)
- [*] Blue Skies 1.1, a Gopher-based weather client
- [*] Blumenbeet; a picture
- [*] Buzzz! 1.4 -- an After Dark module
- [*] CD-Tracker-0.5; a database for your CDs
- [*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
- [*] Corinth Isle III revision 2 update; Bolo maps
- [*] Cryptogrammer v1.0; a game
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-063
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-064
- [*] Dialog View 2.1.1 (alters appearance of file dialogs)
- [*] DreamLight(R) Insights
- [*] FilterAnalyzer version 2.31; active filter response analysis tool
- [*] Game: Bird Songs
- [*] GMScreen 1.1; a game master aid
- [*] GopherApp++ 2.2b43, a Gopher client
- [*] GopherGolf 1.3.1; a game
- [*] HAM Radio License Tests
- [*] Internet Press (version 1.2); a guide to Internet journals
- [*] Mac*Chat#55/31-Aug-94; a periodical
- [*] MacFORMation2 demo with the SF171 Federal job application
- [*] MacWAIS 1.29, a WAIS client
- [*] MEM#5; Issue #5 of Macintosh Electric Magazine
- [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b14, a news client
- [*] OtherMenu 1.6 (a hierarchical menu extension)
- [*] Pats Virtual Office 2.2; a walk-through of Pat's office
- [*] Peirce Guide to QuickDraw GX Printing
- [*] PMac-Startup-16".hqx SSPro PowerMac 16" startup screen rendering
- [*] PopupFuncs 2.4.1 Demo; a programmers' utility
- [*] PowerMac Speedometer Records
- [*] Power Players 2.0; a strategy game
- [*] REM Interactive demo
- [*] RFC 1123 (822) date formatter (C source code)
- [*] SportSERVE v1.3a (Ultra LITE) -- FC Settings file
- [*] systems-twilight-100.sit.hqx (a puzzle game)
- [*] Tempest Chess; a game for First Class BBSs
- [*] Threadsorter-10b1; Sorts news articles by thread for UUCP/Connect
- [*] TimeTracker 2.2; keeps track of the time you work
- [*] TurboGopher 1.0.8b4, a Gopher client
- [*] Winterlandschaft mit Kirche; a picture
- [*] wolfenstein-threed-101; a game
- [*] Working Model v2.0; motion simulation software
- [A] Expanding GZIP files
- [FWD] Disappointing 7.5. History repeats itself..
- A/UX versus a 'real' UNIX box (2 msgs)
- Accelerated for PPC = Native?
- Any typing tutors around
- AppleTalk over the Internet? (Q)
- Bypass Sytems Extensions
- Chemical Formulae
- Chemical formula programs
- color startup screen
- Command Key for Cycling Through Open Windows in an Application?
- DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Help!)
- Energy-Star Suspend Mode
- Erratic option key on a Duo 270c (Q)
- Eudora won't trash mail!
- Found a Font!
- Happy Mac Icon
- help uploading files from netcom to mac
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #131
- Internet Node....
- Keyboard won't let me shutdown
- linux for ppcs (native)?
- Mac Plus (R)
- Mac S-L-O-W-S Down
- MacTCP having trouble locating nameserver (Q)
- making postscript file
- More on the RamDoubler conflicts with PPC6100 [A]
- Powerbook Newbie Suggestions?
- powerbook serial port timeout
- Problem with Power
- Releasing the serial port
- Sharing slow to start up
- System 7.5 faster!
- System 7.5 Speed
- typing tutor
- Unexplainable Shutdowns
- Unix digest viewer
- Unmount Syquest
- Upgrading a Classic and a Plus [Q]
- UPS's
- WYSIWYG (Now Utilities) on 6.0.8
- Z-Term Ppc Bug?
- Zterm 1.0b2 high speed patch needed?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 09 Oct 1994 04:26:23 -0700
- From: zimm@alumni.caltech.edu (Mark Edward Zimmerman)
- Subject: [*] 1994 Factbook v.1.0.sea.hqx
- Appended below is a binhex'd compact'd self-extracting archive of the
- HyperCard 2.x stack version of the 1994 World Factbook --- interesting
- data (roughly 3.2 MB decompressed) about 266 countries, territories,
- and other world entities --- geography, people, government, economics,
- etc. Free data from the US gov't; free software under the GNU GPL.
- Best, ^z (Mark Zimmermann)
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/factbook-94-10.hqx; 1672K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 23:25:27 +1000
- From: jason_ga@postoffice.utas.edu.au (Jason Anderson)
- Subject: [*] 4-Matter v1.5.1 - A disk formatting program
- 4-Matter is a disk formatting/erasing program that supports drag and drop,
- and different names for old and new disks. It also allows you the option of
- completly re-formatting old disks, or simply erasing them (which is a lot
- quicker than re-formatting them, and faster than the Finder). Full
- documentation is included in the program (just select the About item from
- the Apple menu).
- Enjoy!!
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/four-matter-151.hqx; 35K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 94 00:23:59 EDT
- From: Utobia@aol.com
- Subject: [*] Announce: Toby Demo 1.3 Update
- FILE: TobyBraunDemo(640x480)1.3.sea
- REQUIRES: Mac IIx or better, 13" color monitor, 2mb free RAM, System 6.04 or
- later
- I am an interactive media designer and senior level advertising art director.
- This note is a pointer to my digital resume and portfolio in the form of a
- Macintosh application. The demo is also a working prototype of an exciting
- new interface technique that I call transparent modality.
- This offering is an open solicitation to the digital community for employment
- as an interactive media designer. If you don't happen to be a potential
- employer, the program may still be useful as an example of new GUI ideas
- and/or a hypertext resume & portfolio.
- Version 1.3 includes some new dynamic information graphics that were done for
- WGN-TV, an experimental set of contextual sound effects and a revamped help
- facility. The resume was also updated to reflect my recent promotion to
- Director of Creative Technologies (the title is mostly window-dressing for
- prospective clients).
- This program will be available on CompuServe and America Online in their
- Macintosh Multimedia forums and via anonymous ftp on the Internet at:
- Host: ftp.mcs.com
- User ID: anonymous
- Password: blank or your email address in the form name@domain
- Directory: /mcsnet.users/utobia/
- File name: TobyBraunDemo(640x480)1.3.sea.hqx
- Size: < 1.2 mb
- Please feel free to redistribute this program in an unmodified form.
- Toby Braun
- Director of Creative Technologies
- Eisaman, Johns & Laws Advertising
- Chicago, Illinois
- utobia@mcs.com utobia@aol.com CIS:70674,2634
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 23:31:08 +0100
- From: pooh@brokendrum.stack.urc.tue.nl (Ernst 'pooh' Mulder)
- Subject: [*] Apple Menu 7.5 patch
- This patch cannot work properly while virus detection software
- is running. Please make sure that you have disabled any virus
- detectors before applying the patch.
- This patch modifies the Apple Menu Options Control Panel supplied
- with Apple's System Software Version 7.5.
- This Control Panel supplies your Mac with a hierarchical Apple
- menu. Without this patch, files with the name '-' (A single dash
- character) will show up, in your Apple Menu's Submenus, as Menu
- Items named '-' (obviously).
- After applying this patch, these items will show up as Menu
- Separation lines. If you think "Wow, that's useful!", this
- patch is for you, otherwise don't bother.
- All the risks of applying this patch are on YOU! Apply this
- patch only on a copy of the Apple Menu options Control Panel.
- Restart your Mac after applying this patch. This patch is free.
- Regards,
- 941009
- Ernst 'pooh' Mulder
- pooh@brokendrum.stack.urc.tue.nl
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/apple-menu-75-patch.hqx; 21K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:03:51 -0500
- From: Herb Voth <hvoth@cln.etc.bc.ca>
- Subject: [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.3; a PowerBook battery utility
- The latest version of BatteryMinder adds a Servers menu to easily mount
- shared volumes when attached to a network. This gets rid of that desktop
- clutter of aliases that has been made even worse with System 7.5.
- 2.0.3 also improves support of all Duo Enablers.
- As always, BatteryMinder supports and enhances the use of all PowerBooks.
- It is $15 shareware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/battery-minder-203.hqx; 69K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 11:51 CST
- From: gandreas@mirage.skypoint.com
- Subject: [*] Blobbo 1.0 Lite (strategy puzzle game)
- Blobbo 1.0 Lite is a game of strategy - you must pick up all the toy chests in
- each level without falling victim to various interlocking traps and pitfalls.
- Lots of sound, animation, and general sillyness combine with addictive puzzler
- that will provide many hours of entertainment. The full 25 levels are
- included,
- along with a couple saved games to help you along.
- For a $20 registration fee, you can get the full version of Blobbo that
- includes
- a level editor so you can share your creations as well as the ability to record
- and playback solutions (solutions for all 25 levels also included).
- Blobbo works in both B&W and color, on any mac from a MacPlus running 6.0.8 on
- up.
- Glenn (back to work on Chimera) Andreas
- gandreas@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/blobbo-10-lite.hqx; 390K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:46:23 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] Blue Skies 1.1, a Gopher-based weather client
- Blue Skies is a MacTCP-based Gopher client of sorts, but its main focus is
- to provide an interface to interactive weather animations and other weather
- information. From the Groundhog menu, choose Groundhog Server to get
- started.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/blue-skies-11.hqx; 201K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/blue-skies-11-ppc.hqx; 236K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 13:33:53 -0300
- From: dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca (Dwight K. Lemke)
- Subject: [*] Blumenbeet; a picture
- This is a scan of Paul Klee's Blumenbeet (Flowerbed) for fans of Der Blaur
- Reiter school. It is a jpeg 1024x749x256. Enjoy!
- -Dwight
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/blumen-jpg.hqx; 377K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:10:19 +0100
- From: s.fraser@ic.ac.uk (Simon Fraser)
- Subject: [*] Buzzz! 1.4 -- an After Dark module
- This is Buzzz! 1.4, an After Dark module which displays flocking
- animals on your screen using a realistic flocking algorithm and
- high quality rendered graphics.
- Improvements over the previously released version (1.1) include
- significant speed increases, an improved flocking algorithm, more
- beasts (now with birds and ants!), the ability to show animation
- over the desktop background, and simplified settings dialogs with
- balloon help.
- It is happiest with System 7, and works with After Dark 3.0 and
- earlier, DarkSide, Underware, and under AD's Randomizer and
- Multimodule options. An patcher is included to update the module
- on FPU (math coprocessor) capable systems.
- Buzzz! is Freeware, though I retain the copyright. It may not be
- re-distributed by profit-making organizations without my express
- permission.
- Please contact me if you download Buzzz!, and let me know what you
- think.
- Simon Fraser
- s.fraser@ic.ac.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/buzzz-14-ad.hqx; 362K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 23:27:24 -0500
- From: Jason Fried <fried@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU>
- Subject: [*] CD-Tracker-0.5; a database for your CDs
- A FileMaker Pro 2.1 database to 'track' your compact discs. CD Tracker
- allows you to store a disc's title, artist, record label, songs, song
- times, total time, comments, recording type (AAD,ADA, DDD, etc), and
- more. CD Tracker also allows you to sort, search, and export your
- compact discs. All the features you want in a very sleek and graphically
- ergonomic package - this is CD Tracker.
- Public Beta Version : 0.5
- REQUIRES FileMaker Pro 2.1 or later.
- REQUIRES a 256 (or more) color Macintosh.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/cd-tracker-05-fmpro.hqx; 192K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 10:32:38 EDT
- From: davido@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (David Lawrence Oppenheimer)
- Subject: [*] Comp-Sys-Mac-Comm FAQ
- Last-modified: Sat Oct 8 1994
- This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for comp.sys.mac.comm
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/csm-communications-faq.txt; 148K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 23:08:56 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] Corinth Isle III revision 2 update; Bolo maps
- Corinth Isle III (revision 2) is a map used to play Bolo
- by Esoteric Software, P.O. Box 744, Falls Church, VA 22040 or
- craig.shoemaker@tcs.wap.org or essoteric@delphi.com (note the
- two 's' characters in the internet address of the later) or
- by phone (703) 532-6981.
- Revision 2 dated October 4, 1994.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/corinth-isle-iii-r2.hqx; 739K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 23:10:52 -0500 (EST)
- From: LVSNYDER@amherst.edu
- Subject: [*] Cryptogrammer v1.0; a game
- Cryptogrammer v1.0 is a Freeware program. It lets the user solve
- cryptograms interactively, making testing hunches and erasing mistakes
- very easy. Cryptogrammer also provides hints when desired and tells the
- source of the cryptogram when the puzzle is completed. On-line help is
- provided. Cryptogrammer requires System 7, a Mac with Color QuickDraw,
- and a monitor capable of displaying at least 4 colors or shades of grey.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/cryptogrammer-10.hqx; 78K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 22:52:40 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-063
- C.S.M.P. Digest Thu, 06 Oct 94 Volume 3 : Issue 63
- Today's Topics:
- <command>+? == PLAIN STUPID!!! (true)
- Apple Events Question
- File System Manager Software Development Kit
- GDGX Graphics Shell bus errors with GX Beta 3...
- Getting Started (Summary)
- Help: idle, shutdown, and MacTCP examples..
- Pascal Flavours for Macintosh
- Q: Script-Independant Command-Keys?
- XCMD memory residence
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-063.txt; 84K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 14:49:41 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-064
- C.S.M.P. Digest Sat, 08 Oct 94 Volume 3 : Issue 64
- Today's Topics:
- Help!! argc, argv on Macintosh
- How to Check if drivers are open
- Is it possible to notify another mac?
- Memory moving and Inits
- Self-disposing notification crashes
- [CWWWW] PowerPlant Tour document available
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-064.txt; 52K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 00:55:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Jim Walker <walkerj@math.scarolina.edu>
- Subject: [*] Dialog View 2.1.1 (alters appearance of file dialogs)
- Dialog View is a control panel extension that allows you to change the
- appearance of directory dialogs (Open and Save dialogs). You can change the
- font and size of the file names, enlarge the dialog to provide room for more
- names or longer names, and control the size of the icons. Requires System
- 7. Some PowerPC code. Not compatible with Norton Directory Assistance.
- Shareware, $10.
- Version 2.0 combines the former Dialog View with Open-wide, plus a few new
- features like restoring the icon choices under System Update 3.0.
- Version 2.1 fixes a minor bug and adds a no icon option.
- Version 2.1.1 fixes cosmetic glitches with System 7.5 and Super Boomerang
- 5.0.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/dialog-view-211.hqx; 54K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:04:35 -0500
- From: dreamlt@shore.net (Michael Scaramozzino/DreamLight Incorporated)
- Subject: [*] DreamLight(R) Insights
- DreamLight(R) Verttice(TM) Insight(TM) 1.1
- DreamLight Insight electronic series on digital design, illustration &
- animation.
- This is a behind the scenes look at the development of the multimedia game
- DreamLight Verttice. It introduces you to what goes into the development of a
- title from concept to artwork and scripting including tips. DreamLight
- Verttice is a strategy/action game that was selected as one of the nine best
- entertainment projects by the Macromedia International User Conference
- Multimedia Gallery. It is also available on-line.
- This DreamLight Insight requires: Mac, HD, 1MB RAM Freeware
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/dreamlight-virttice-insight-11.hqx; 1200K]
- DreamLight(R) Bose(R) 3D Auto Insight(TM)
- DreamLight Insight electronic series on digital design, illustration &
- animation.
- This is a behind the scenes look at the creation of a series of 3D renderings
- that DreamLight created for a Bose corporation ad campaign. The emphasis of
- this Insight is the use of 2D and 3D splines for the modeling of smoothly
- flowing images including some tips.
- This DreamLight Insight requires: Mac, HD, 1MB RAM Freeware
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/dreamlight-bose-3da-insight-10.hqx; 877K]
- DreamLight(R) PixelPalettes 1.1
- Anyone who has worked with the system palettes in Macromedia director or any
- paint program knows how difficult they can be to deal with. They appear to be
- a jumble of colors. DreamLight PixelPalettes are PICT files of these color
- palettes that have been reorganized for easier use. Using the eyedropper tool
- you can use these PixelPalettes from within any paint program including
- Director, PhotoShop, Painter, PixelPaint etc. They are very useful for
- multimedia screen design and icon design.
- PixelPalettes require: Mac, HD, 1MB RAM, Paint program Shareware: $9.95
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/dreamlight-pixel-palettes-t12.hqx; 220K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 23:35:06 -0500
- From: Brian Gery Hilfsassistent bei "R." Siegwart SS94 <gery@ifr.mavt.ethz.ch>
- Subject: [*] FilterAnalyzer version 2.31; active filter response analysis tool
- This program is a simple, but elegant, active filter response analysis tool.
- It has the ability to simulate the frequency response (magnitude and phase)
- of single- or multi-stage filters built with common first- and second-order
- active filter stages. It can calculate the Q and natural frequency of standard
- second-order filter stages. It has a number of graphing options including the
- ability to change the range and number of points per decade along the freq-
- uency axis. It can also plot the response magnitude in standard voltage ratio
- or decibel formats, and has a cursor feature that will display the magnitude
- and phase at the frequency where you click the mouse. It will also print the
- plots that you generate with a number of useful print options, and save filter
- configurations as FilterAnalyzer data files.
- FilterAnalyzer 2.31 is distributed as shareware in the hopes that users will
- be honest and pay the US$15 registration fee which will entitle the user to
- free future updates, and information on new simulation and design software
- releases by the author. Please read the registration stuff.
- Thank you,
- Brian Gery
- 934 Rickert Rd.
- Perkasie, PA 18944
- email:
- geryb@rpi.edu *or*
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/filter-analyzer-231.hqx; 63K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/filter-analyzer-231-nofpu.hqx; 65K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 21:55:59 -0400 (EDT)
- From: GODBEY@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] Game: Bird Songs
- Learn the wonderful songs of birds using the power of the
- Macintosh. Learn to identify them by their songs. Package
- including parts 1 and 2 contain the Bird Songs application and
- four sets of birds, including common birds, woodpeckers, and
- sparrows. Review the birds, listen to their songs, and see their
- pictures. Then shift into game mode. Challenge yourself in a
- game where the computer plays a random bird song and you must
- identify the bird by the song. You can also select background
- mode, where the program can be instructed to play random bird
- songs while you use your computer to do other things. A great
- way to sharpen your birding ear! Bird Songs will play on any
- Macintosh more modern than the SE, using system 6.0.5 or better.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/bird-songs-103-pt1.hqx; 1691K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/bird-songs-103-pt2.hqx; 1885K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 17:37:59 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Barbara A. Bender" <bbender@mailer.fsu.edu>
- Subject: [*] GMScreen 1.1; a game master aid
- GM Screen 1.1 is a SuperCard( Standalone application that offers a Game
- Master (one who runs a role playing game) a variety of useful tools. All
- of the functions of the GM Screen are described in an online help, but the
- main features are listed here, so you can decide whether to actually try
- the program.
- +Electronic Dice Pad: Simulates most types of RPG dice (includes dice
- sound effect for striking teror into the hearts of the players...).
- +Multiple Graphic Windows: Provides multiple draw/paint windows with a
- full array of B&W tools. Each window comes with several "sheets" of
- virtual paper to store graphics for later use.
- +Multiple Text Windows: Provides multiple text windows for storing
- information. Each window includes multiple "sheets" of virtual paper.
- +Multiple Note Pads: Provides small note pads for storing information,
- such as notes on character equipment, damage, and so forth.
- +Adventure Loader: Provides the capacity to load in pre-written text
- adventures.
- +Sound and PICS: The program has the capacity to play PICS files as well
- as record and play sounds.
- +Modules: The GM Screen is expandable via modules. A variety of modules
- are planned and owners of SuperCard can write their own.
- This version of the GM Screen is designed to run in Black and White (it
- will run on any monitor depth, however) and is optimized for use on Macs
- with 9" screens (but it will run on any larger monitor, too). It requires
- 558K of disk space and a minimum of 800K of RAM (1600K if run with the
- monitor depth set to anything other than B&W). It requires System 6.0.4 or
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/gm-screen-11.hqx; 327K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:43:47 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] GopherApp++ 2.2b43, a Gopher client
- GopherApp++ is a MacTCP-based Gopher+ client written by Don Gilbert of the
- University of Indiana. It sports a slightly different interface from
- TurboGopher, the most common Macintosh Gopher client.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/gopher-app-22b43.hqx; 494K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 08 Oct 94 17:20:23 EDT
- From: Bob Mancarella <75024.2357@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] GopherGolf 1.3.1; a game
- GopherGolf is a miniature golf game and course editor. Play one of the five
- included courses or create your own with the editor.
- Watch out for that pesky gopher. You never know where he'll pop up next.
- Runs in B&W or up to 256 colors on monitors 9" and larger. 1 to 4 players.
- Version 1.3.1 fixes some bugs.
- GopherGolf can now be registered online on CIS: GO SWREG. The Reg. ID is 3168.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/gopher-golf-131.hqx; 404K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 12:49:44 PDT
- From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal)
- Subject: [*] HAM Radio License Tests
- This archive includes the complete question pools for Novice and Technician
- HAM Radio License tests. The Tester application lets you practice or browse
- the tests. When you practice them, the correct number of questions are
- selected.
- John Lindal
- jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/ham-radio-license-tests.hqx; 415K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 19:26:22 -0800
- From: savetz@northcoast.com (Kevin Savetz)
- Subject: [*] Internet Press (version 1.2); a guide to Internet journals
- The Internet Press
- A guide to electronic journals about the Internet
- Version 1.2 - 8 October, 1994
- by Kevin M. Savetz - savetz@northcoast.com
- and John M. Higgins - higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
- This document is copyright 1994 by Kevin M. Savetz and John M. Higgins. All
- rights reserved. More legal stuff is near the end of this file.
- +Additions: +Everybody's Internet Update; +Internet Index; +Matrix News
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-press-12.txt; 10K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 94 06:35 PDT
- From: xxltony@crash.cts.com (Tony Lindsey)
- Subject: [*] Mac*Chat#55/31-Aug-94; a periodical
- Welcome to Mac*Chat, the electronic newsletter biased toward Mac
- users who are production-oriented graphics professionals.
- Other Mac users may find many, many items of interest as well.
- I'd enjoy hearing your feedback and suggestions.
- Tony Lindsey, <xxltony@crash.cts.com>.
- Copyright 1989-1994 Tony Lindsey. Nonprofit groups (such as Mac
- User Groups) or other non-commercial publications) are welcome
- to use any part of the Mac*Chat newsletters if full credit is
- given. All others will need to contact me.
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/chat/mac-chat-055.etx; 21K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 21:31:27 -1000
- From: billm@maui.com (William Modesitt)
- Subject: [*] MacFORMation2 demo with the SF171 Federal job application
- Demo of the forms-filling product MacFORMation2 with the SF171 Federal job
- application form. With the demo you can fill out and print the SF171,
- however, with the demo, a VOID is also printed on the form. For more
- information call 800-955-6284, or send email to FormsRUS@aol.com.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-formation-2-demo.hqx; 202K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:52:43 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] MacWAIS 1.29, a WAIS client
- This is MacWAIS 1.29, the latest version of EINet's WAIS client for the
- Macintosh. It requires MacTCP and a MacTCP-connection to the Internet, and
- is shareware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/mac-wais-129.hqx; 402K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 02:01:55 EDT
- From: MacElMag@aol.com
- Subject: [*] MEM#5; Issue #5 of Macintosh Electric Magazine
- Issue #5 of Macintosh Electric Magazine. We include this month reviews of
- ClarisDraw and eWorld, an examination into new trends in tech support. Plus,
- we share our thoughts on Apple's new licensing strategy. We also have good
- news about MODE32, the announcement of a new BBS in Arkansas and as usual we
- have bits in Short Bytes.
- Enjoy,
- Doug Tallman, editor
- Macintosh Electric Magazine
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/elec/mac-electric-magazine-005.hqx; 65K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 17:11:15 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b14, a news client
- This is a repost of John Norstad's MacTCP-based NewsWatcher Usenet client,
- this time with the documentation.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/news-watcher-20b14.hqx; 578K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 16:08:48 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Jim Walker <walkerj@math.scarolina.edu>
- Subject: [*] OtherMenu 1.6 (a hierarchical menu extension)
- OtherMenu creates a system-wide hierarchical menu somewhat like the Apple
- menu. It can launch applications and documents, do things such as Restart,
- Delete, File Info, and execute FKEYs. In a directory dialog, you can use the
- menu to select a file or folder. Requires System 7. Some PowerPC code.
- Shareware, $10.
- V. 1.6 has improved tracking of recent items, among many other enhancements
- and bug fixes.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/other-menu-16.hqx; 254K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/other-menu-152-to-16-updt.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 09:56:52 -0700
- From: pattrex@netcom.com (Patrick Ortman)
- Subject: [*] Pats Virtual Office 2.2; a walk-through of Pat's office
- Virtual Office is a really cool interactive project. You enter a
- 3D-rendered office from another planet with strange animations,
- presentations, music, video, text, and interactive paintings which
- you can explore. Not everything is obvious- there are a lot of
- "hidden" links to explore. Just click away, and have a great time.
- Besides being fun, this office (strange and otherworldly though it be)
- is also a sort of interactive brochure for me (Pat Ortman) and Empty
- Street Productions. I hope you like it, and feel free to send your
- comments to: "pattrex@netcom.com" or (404) 892-1971.
- This program requires a color 13" or larger monitor, and an LCIII
- or faster Macintosh. It likes having about 4MB for the application.
- More is, of course, better.
- It was written in Macromedia Director, and is freeware- that is,
- give copies away to anyone you want!
- Enjoy!
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/pats-virtual-office-22.hqx; 1906K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 14:22:40 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] Peirce Guide to QuickDraw GX Printing
- This DocMaker document comes from Peirce Software, and is an overview and
- guide to using QuickDraw GX. If you're planning to install and use
- QuickDraw GX, read this first (and check out Tonya's articles about GX in
- TidBITS 243, 244, and 245).
- http://mmm.dartmouth.edu/pages/tidbits/issues/TidBITS-243.html
- http://mmm.dartmouth.edu/pages/tidbits/issues/TidBITS-244.html
- http://mmm.dartmouth.edu/pages/tidbits/issues/TidBITS-245.html
- cheers ... -Adam
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/pierce-gx-guide.hqx; 52K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 21:03:15 +0100 (CET)
- From: chip@inter.interzone.ch (Marc Liyanage)
- Subject: [*] PMac-Startup-16".hqx SSPro PowerMac 16" startup screen rendering
- This is a picture that I keep in my system folder as startup screen.
- It is a rendering of the words "Welcome to Power Macintosh" in front
- of a marble plate on a black background.
- It is a quicktime-compressed pict and needs to be uncompressed and
- saved as PICT Resource with the filename "StartupScreen" to
- be used as startup-screen.
- I did this while playing around with the native version of
- StrataStudio Pro. For those interested in the details, the
- resolution is 832x624 @ 24bit (Mac 16"). The raytracing algorithm
- was used with antialiasing set to 2x2 oversampling. It took about
- 19 minutes to render. 3 or 4 light sources, reflective surfaces and
- a procedural marble mixer are in the scene.
- If you want this picture in another resolution just
- send me an email with the exact size you want.
- Please drop me a note if you like it enough to keep it in your
- system folder.
- -Marc Liyanage
- chip@interzone.ch
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/welcome-to-power-macintosh.hqx; 216K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 09:48:36 -0700 (PDT)
- From: bbsw@netcom.com (Bare Bones Software)
- Subject: [*] PopupFuncs 2.4.1 Demo; a programmers' utility
- PopupFuncs is a utility, which when installed in a supported editor,
- provides an automatically updated popup menu of functions defined in
- C, C++, Pascal, 68K Assembler, and Rez source files.
- As of version 2.4, PopupFuncs can be used with the following editors:
- BBEdit 2.2 and later* (Bare Bones Software, Inc.)
- BBEdit Lite 2.3 and later (Bare Bones Software, Inc.)
- THINK C 4.0 and later (Symantec)
- Symantec C++ 6.0 and later (Symantec)
- CodeWarrior** (Metrowerks)
- MPW Shell 3.0 through 3.3 (Apple)
- QUED/M 2.7 (Nisus Software)
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/pop-up-funcs-241-demo.hqx; 46K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 23:21:47 +0100
- From: W.R.Brady@newcastle.ac.uk (Robert Brady)
- Subject: [*] PowerMac Speedometer Records
- Hi,
- This is my first posting so it may go a bit wonky!!!
- Anyway I have tried to post a comprehensive list of 6100, and 8100
- records. 6100 with and without 256k cache, also with various levels of
- KSLabs Alacrity acceleration. (CPU clock accelerator). I hope they are what
- is wanted.. If this the file disappears mail me and I will send it to you.
- Rob Brady w.r.brady@ncl.ac.uk Tel: 091 266 8998 Fax:091 266 9995
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/powermac-speedometer.hqx; 64K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:03:58 -0500
- From: darrellm@macsbbs.spk.wa.us (Darrell McDowell)
- Subject: [*] Power Players 2.0; a strategy game
- Power Players 2.0 is a game based on Avalon Hill's Acquire. Seven power
- companies compete for the same limited space. Create and merge companies to
- achieve the highest wealth. A great strategy game for the whole family or by
- yourself with the computer players. Up to six players may play.
- Version 2.0 adds computer players, improved graphics and sound, and a new
- Info window.
- Greg
- I am posting this for Greg.. as he doesn't seem to be able to get this
- through.. lets hope this works..
- Darrell
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/power-players-20.hqx; 233K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 06:42:08 PDT
- From: "Harry Myhre" <harrym@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] REM Interactive demo
- Interactive movie from REM promoting their latest CD.
- * Harry Myhre <harrym@netcom.com>
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/rem-promo.hqx; 1835K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:03:45 -0500
- From: resnick@uiuc.edu (Pete Resnick)
- Subject: [*] RFC 1123 (822) date formatter (C source code)
- This archive contains C source code and an associated resource file for
- functions that convert between the ASCII version of Internet standard
- format (RFC 822 and 1123) date strings and the Macintosh time format
- (number of seconds since January 1, 1904). It is a little more lenient in
- strings that it accepts, in that it will convert some time zone specifiers
- that are not allowed in RFC 1123 (but are used by some broken mail
- systems) instead of just ignoring them. But the strings it produces are
- strict RFC 1123 date format strings.
- I wrote this mainly as an exercise to try out some of the International
- Utilities like StringToDate, StringToTime, ExtendedToString, and
- StringToExtended. It is certainly not the fastest code to do this, but the
- code size is pretty small, and it's a nice educational piece of code.
- If you use this code in a project, please remember to give me proper
- credit in the documentation or splash screen.
- Pete Resnick - resnick@uiuc.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/rfc-1123-822-date-formatter-c.hqx; 14K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 23:18:39 -0500
- From: Intermac <jenh@netcom.com>
- Subject: [*] SportSERVE v1.3a (Ultra LITE) -- FC Settings file
- SportSERVE is an online service providing sports fans
- with wide coverage and reference materials to the exciting
- world of sports, gaming and entertainment.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/sport-sere-13a-first-class.hqx; 513K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 18:00:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Andrew C. Plotkin" <ap1i+@andrew.cmu.edu>
- Subject: [*] systems-twilight-100.sit.hqx (a puzzle game)
- System's Twilight: An Abstract Fairy Tale
- This game is a story and a puzzle. The story is made up of several
- parts, not all of which may be obvious. The puzzle is made up of
- many puzzles, some of which aren't obvious at all.
- That's all I'll tell you. The rest you get to figure out yourself. Have
- fun.
- Puzzle-game enthusiasts will notice that this game is in the style of
- Cliff Johnson's classic puzzle games, "3 in Three" and "The Fool's
- Errand". However, be assured that the story and all the puzzles are
- original. In fact, as far as I know, all twelve *kinds* of puzzles are
- original. The interface is a step forward as well, allowing full control
- over your character's movement and the ability to pick up and carry
- objects.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/systems-twilight-100.hqx; 769K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 23:16:56 -0500
- From: johnb@tempest.net.hk (John W. Blackburne)
- Subject: [*] Tempest Chess; a game for First Class BBSs
- Tempest Chess is an online Chess game for FirstClass BBSes. It works via
- FirstClass forms, so does not require the BBS to be configured for its use.
- Full documentation included.
- It requires FirstClass 2.5 or later for Macintosh, and is distributed as
- freeware.
- John
- Tempest, a FirstClass BBS, Hong Kong 802-7395/
- John W. Blackburne, administrator /
- http://www.hk.super.net/~johnb/home.html /
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/tempest-chess-first-class.hqx; 81K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 20:26:34 +0100 (CET)
- From: chip@inter.interzone.ch (Marc Liyanage)
- Subject: [*] Threadsorter-10b1; Sorts news articles by thread for UUCP/Connect
- Hi UUCP/Connect users,
- This is the first release of Threadsorter.
- >From the readme file:
- >
- > Threadsorter is a hack I wrote to sort articles in UUCP/Connect
- > newsgroup files by thread. I don't know if there are any other
- > programs using the same format so this is probably only useful
- > to UUCP/Connect / uAccess users. I have already noticed that
- > it does speed up the reading process quite a bit.
- >
- > Threadsorter is a fat binary and runs native on PowerMacs.
- > Free CodeWarrior project file & source code is available
- > to anyone who asks.
- >
- > I want to make it clear that this is only a hack and that I
- > can take no responsibility for what happens to your files.
- > You decide to use it, you accept the consequences.
- >
- > It also might fail miserably with the next release of UUCP/Connect,
- > but regarding the frequency of major updates to that product
- > this means it might work for years to come ;-)
- >
- > It's no final version yet but it seems to work OK in its current
- > state.
- Check it out and drop me a note.
- -Marc Liyanage
- chip@interzone.ch
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/uucp/thread-sorter-10b1.hqx; 69K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 10:35:54 -1000
- From: billm@maui.com (William Modesitt)
- Subject: [*] TimeTracker 2.2; keeps track of the time you work
- Do you work or charge by the hour? If so, you'll love TimeTracker.
- TimeTracker is a simple $25 time-tracking application for recording time
- tasks on the Macintosh.
- TimeTracker is useful for consultants, programmers, attorneys, printers, or
- anyone who bills for time, or just wants a simple solution for keeping
- track of time events.
- Partial feature list:
- * Have multiple time sessions going at the same time
- * Windows can be enlarged to fill entire screen or minimized to a very
- small size
- * Categories and hourly rates
- * Sort time entries
- * Search time entries
- * Export time entries (Includes extensive FileMaker Pro template for
- exported TimeTracker data. FREE runtime version of FileMaker Pro for use
- with this template also available separately)
- * Extensive time entry editing controls in one easy-to-use window
- * Marked and unmark time entries
- * Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart time entries
- * Record time in increments of 1, 6, 15, 30 minutes, or 100ths of a minute.
- * A complete user's manual.
- * And much more...
- TimeTracker by Maui Software.
- email: MauiSW@maui.com
- Version 2.1 -> 2.2
- * Each category can now have an associated hourly rate.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/time-tracker-22-demo.hqx; 342K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:44:55 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] TurboGopher 1.0.8b4, a Gopher client
- TurboGopher is the most popular MacTCP-based Gopher client for the
- Macintosh. If you have a MacTCP connection to the Internet and you use
- Gopher servers, you need TurboGopher, it's that simple.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/turbo-gopher-108b4.hqx; 199K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 13:30:19 -0300
- From: dlemke@juliet.stfx.ca (Dwight K. Lemke)
- Subject: [*] Winterlandschaft mit Kirche; a picture
- This is a scan of Kaninsky's Winterlandschaft mit Kirche (Winter Landscape
- with Church). It is 1024x643 to maintain the proportions and is a 256-color
- jpeg file. Perfect for the abstact expressionist desktop.
- -Dwight
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/winter-jpg.hqx; 302K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 08 Oct 94 19:40:45 -0700
- From: Bill Dugan <interpla@orion.oac.uci.edu>
- Subject: [*] wolfenstein-threed-101; a game
- Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter is the shareware version of
- MacPlay's "Wolfenstein 3D" game. It contains three levels of
- the game. When you pay your $15 shareware fee, we'll mail you
- "Wolfenstein 3D: Second Encounter," which is the full 30-level
- version.
- This is version 1.0.1, which fixes several bugs. You can now
- play on a Power Macintosh with the Modern Memory Manager either
- on or off. Handling of multiple monitors has been improved, and
- the guards have been sternly advised to remove the homing bullets
- >From their rifles which formerly allowed them to shoot you around
- corners in version 1.0.
- Have fun!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/wolfenstein-threed-101.hqx; 1883K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:47:21 -0500
- From: krev@netcom.com (Umberto milletti)
- Subject: [*] Working Model v2.0; motion simulation software
- This is a self-uncompressing file containing the demonstration version
- of Working Model* v2.0. Working Model* combines advanced motion
- simulation technology with sophisticated editing capabilities to provide
- a professional tool for engineering and animation. More details can be
- found in the READ ME file contained in the Working Model folder.
- Knowledge Revolution (800)766-6615, fax (415)574-7541, info@krev.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/working-model-20-demo.hqx; 1221K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/working-model-engineering.hqx; 988K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 10:43:01 MST
- From: jlundell@skull.opus.com (Jonathan Lundell)
- Subject: [A] Expanding GZIP files
- Allan Hunter asks about expanding .gz (gzip) files.
- Aladdin's freeware Stuffit Expander 3.5.1 handles gzip as well as almost
- everything else. It's available on CompuServe; I assume but don't know
- for sure that it's in the info-mac archive. There was some problem with
- 3.5 (bad expiration date left over from the beta, I think), so 3.5.1 or
- later is required (pre-3.5 didn't ungzip).
- Unsolicited plug: I've had really good luck with Stuffit Expander and also
- the commercial Stuffit package. It's been quite reliable on everything
- I've tried so far, including some DOS zip files that I couldn't unzip on my
- PC.
- /Jonathan Lundell. <jlundell@opus.com.>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 11:09:10 EDT
- From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- Subject: [FWD] Disappointing 7.5. History repeats itself..
- You know, it's been a while (a few years!) since 7.0 was released.
- I distinctly remember hearing, way back then, that "Gee, there are some
- neat features in the new system, but you can get most of them by shareware,
- and the performance is disappointing... don't waste your money."
- It also seems to me that most of those complaints went away as the machines
- continued to grow faster, and Apple continued to debug. We have a choice
- here: complain about things, or appreciate the fact that they released it
- as quickly as they could, without compromising too much.
- So as we all gripe about Apple and the cludgy software, let's not forget
- our history lesson. We've been down this road before, and the end result
- continues to be an operating system that beats Windoze hands down.
- Kudos to Apple for their efforts, even if they don't hit every single mark
- the first time.
- --Brandon Munday
- --bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- --No, I'm not an AppleManiac, I just like it better than the IBM...
- >Forward message follows.
- >To: tecnet@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- >From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- >Posted: Oct 05 15:25
- >Cc:
- >Subject: System 7.5 performance is disappointing
- >
- >After evaluating 7.5 for about a week, I have concluded that there seems to
- >be no substantial benefit to the upgrade. There are several points I would
- >like to bring up:
- >
- >1. The performance on the PowerMac is lousy at best. One would think that
- >there would be
- > more native system code to increase speed. The fact is that Speedometer
- >4.0 shows the
- > performance is poorer that 7.1.2- even with a virgin system.
- >
- >2. I have heard from others who have noted that file sharing startup can
- >take up to several
- > minutes. This delayed startup is intermittent and extremely annoying.
- >Imagine starting a
- > shutdown, and then having to wait for 3-4 minutes before the action
- >completes!
- >
- >3. The new features of PowerTalk and Quickdraw are (a) very memory hungry,
- >(b) very
- > resource hungry, and (c) very useless for the majority of us.
- >
- >4. Many of the new features of 7.5 like WindowShade, sticky notes, MacTCP,
- >hierarchial
- > apple menus, and bug fixes are available without 7.5. The hierarchial
- >menus, for example, are
- > much better implemented in MenuChoice 2.0 which works inside all
- >applications rather than
- > just the Finder. The bug fixes are available from Apple already.
- >
- >To conclude, I am running 7.5 simply because it cost me a $100 + tax. If
- >you haven't paid for it yet, I would advocate spending your money on other
- >things and waiting for a real upgrade.
- >
- >(asbestos shields up)
- >
- >
- >Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- >-My words are responsible for themselves-
- >
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 23:27:38 +0200
- From: nj@sunstation.fusl.ac.be (Nicolas Jungers)
- Subject: A/UX versus a 'real' UNIX box
- Scott McLagan ask
- >3) If I must buy an el-cheapo Unix box, how ugly is it to
- > learn and operate? (and teach to kids)
- >
- >I have no burning desire to dive into Unix. All I really want
- >is the TCP/IP services. Obviously, a Sun or HP Unix box is
- >well-suited to this, but I like the idea of using a fast Mac
- >which could do the WAN stuff and other things as well.
- it's not widely know, but there is now an operating system for intel-based
- computer. His name is Linux, it's a unix, and it's free.
- -----------------------------------------------
- | Nicolas Jungers --> nj@sunstation.fusl.ac.be |
- -----------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 10:57:09 -0600
- From: RadicalLib@aol.com (Radical Liberation)
- Subject: A/UX versus a 'real' UNIX box
- >We'd like a domain name/ftp/mail/gopher server for our school
- >district WAN.
- I am unaware of how much you can do with a Macintosh as an Internet
- host machine. Though I think there are things that work fine without A/UX,
- (like Peter Lewis' dFTP, for making a Mac an FTP server). But...
- >I have no burning desire to dive into Unix.
- It might be more appropriate if you had a burning desire to avoid
- UNIX. I have worked with both UNIX boxes and Macs professionally and as a
- user for years...
- Danger Will Robinson! UNIX is an operating system that is not
- ready for prime time. It will suck up your life until you finally come to
- the conclusion that it requires a full-time sysadmin to keep it going, (I
- have seen people try to get by without a sysadmin and fail time and again).
- You don't just need to be a UNIX guru to set up UNIX and keep it going...
- You need to be a UNIX guru with a lot of time on your hands.
- If there is any Macintosh option, even with a little less
- functionality than you like, do it. You will thank yourself later.
- I am
- Radical Liberation.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 18:50:23 -0600 (MDT)
- From: mbreslow@nyx10.cs.du.edu (M. Todd Breslow)
- Subject: Accelerated for PPC = Native?
- I just bought the "Accelerated for PPC" version of PageMaker, but why
- doesn't the "Get Info" box for the app have the standard native
- disclaimer about freeing up memory if VM is on?? Does accelerated mean
- that only parts of the program are native?
- --
- M. Todd Breslow Internet: mbreslow@nyx.cs.du.edu
- PGP Public Key Available
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 23:53:57 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Any typing tutors around
- Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >Does anyone know of any free / shareware typing tutors or helpers as I want
- >to improve touch my touch typing, if my typoing qualifies as touch typing
- >anyway :)
- FAQ! Unfortunately, noone has written an official FAQ list yet.
- *dig* *dig* *dig* Ah - here we are!
- See appended list.
- Sven
- Btw, I don't mind receiving new info and putting the list onto the archives.
- === Typing Tutors
- [931215]
- - MacDactylo
- - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- - NoviceTypist
- - Type
- Name: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Cost: $35
- Name: Type
- Author: Broederbund software
- Status: Commercial (US$ 25)
- Description: An oldie, but it is the cheapest and greatest.
- It does not talk back to you like "dvorak".
- Name: MacDactylo
- Cost: DM 335 (DM/$ ~ 1.7) $200
- Description:
- Typing tests for key groups, including key groups for certain fingers.
- Stats about type speed (number of typed keys) and errors.
- Keeps a score for different users and displays them in a table.
- Integrated game: Like Tetris, but you can use the falling pieces onyl
- if you have typed the letter displayed on them.
- Name: NoviceTypist
- Description:
- Hypercard Stack. 167,364 bytes
- Locations:
- ftp.luth.se:/pub/mac/card/organization/novicetypist.cpt.hqx
- plaza.aarnet.edu.au:/micros/mac/umich/hypercard/organization/novicetypist.cpt.hqx
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 16:04:57 +0100
- From: A.D'Emanuele@man.ac.uk (Antony D'Emanuele)
- Subject: AppleTalk over the Internet? (Q)
- I currently dial into my University using PPP and communicate with my Mac
- at work using TCP/IP (I use FTPd on my Mac). Is there any software
- (preferably shareware!) that will allow me to use AppleTalk over the
- internet? I know that I can use ARA to access my Mac directly, but it would
- be useful if you could set up an AppleTalk link from anywhere on the
- Internet.
- Regards, Tony D'Emanuele
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 10:26:23 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey C. Hoffman)
- Subject: Bypass Sytems Extensions
- I've been having trouble with bypassing the system extensions. I am familiar
- with the shift key method, but now it doesn't work too frequently. It used to
- be i would have to restart a couple time till i saw the "extensions off" but
- now it doesn't reallyt work at all. Are any of you familiar with this
- problem? I had heard of certain software that patches the system so you can't
- skip the extensions (security programs and stuff like that) but i was wondering
- if you knew which software did this, or maybe any other ideas as to why this
- ain't happening. I thought the shift key was written in the ROMs, but i guess
- not...
- Mac IIsi, sys 7.1, inits here and there
- Thanks in advance
- Geoffrey Hoffman
- Cornell University
- gch2@cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 10:29:56 -0800
- From: tonya@tidbits.com (Tonya Engst)
- Subject: Chemical Formulae
- Leo Leduc <leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca> wrote in asking:
- >I'm looking for a small program which can make chemical formulae for different
- >types of organic compounds. I'm interested in something simple that will work
- >with MS Word 5.1. In other words, I would like to copy from the formula
- >builder and paste it into MS Word.
- I have no experience in using or supporting this, but a product that might
- be just the thing is CSC ChemOffice. The package comes with three modules:
- 1. ChemDraw, which does "structure drawings" 2D-like afairs with double
- bonds as double lines. These drawings can be linked into Word and edited
- much as though they were OLE objects, but they are not. CSC uses a
- different technology (whose name escapes me). I spoke to a CSC
- representative about it at the last Macworld, and he seemed confident in
- ChemDraw's capabilities.
- 2. Chem3D, which does 3D modeling
- 3. ChemFinder, which helps, "Electronically record lab data. MW's, percent
- weights and theoretical yields are automatically calculated. You can search
- through your data, link it to FileMaker, analyze it in Excel .. "
- I think you can purchase these programs separately if you don't want the
- full Office bundle. Here is some contact info for CSC (Cambridge Scientific
- Computing):
- 617/491-6862 -- 617/491-8208 (fax) -- info@camsci.com
- cheers,
- tonya
- Tonya Engst, TidBITS Editor -- tonya@tidbits.com --info@tidbits.com
- I write books about Microsoft Word -- twb@tidbits.com -- w6sk@tidbits.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 09 Oct 94 05:52:20 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Chemical formula programs
- Leo G. Leduc writes:
- >I'm looking for a small program which can make chemical formulae for
- different
- >types of organic compounds. I'm interested in something simple that will
- work
- >with MS Word 5.1. In other words, I would like to copy from the formula
- >builder and paste it into MS Word.
- >If anyone knows of such a beast, please send Email directly to me.
- Try Chemintosh for the Mac. Softshell Int'l 303/242-7502, $599 but they have
- a demo available. There are several programs listed in the Macintosh Product
- Registry and also via Redgate.
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 22:49:27 -0400
- From: brianf@infi.net (Brian Fountain)
- Subject: color startup screen
- From: Robert E. Moore
- >When I use GIFConverter 2.3.7 and save a color GIF file as a startup
- >screen (and rename it StartupScreen) it only shows in B&W on start up.
- >What am I doing wrong? Equipment: Quardra 650. Any help is appreciated.
- I had this problem on my IIsi and was stumped. I rebuilt the desktop,
- trashed the finder prefs, and several other things all to no avail. I then
- reinstalled the system file and finder, and my color startup screen
- appeared correctly.
- Hopes this helps,
- Brian
- Brian Fountain =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Norfolk, VA.
- InterNet -=- brianf@infi.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FidoNet -=- 1:275/126.1
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- > Love is the unique power that bindeth together the divers <
- > elements of this material world, the supreme magnetic force <
- > that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms. <
- > 'Abdu'l-Baha <
- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 21:40:47 PDT
- From: "Anthony E. Siegman" <siegman@Sierra.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Command Key for Cycling Through Open Windows in an Application?
- Igor (excellent Mac plotting program) has a command key (ctrl-E)
- which lets you cycle sequentially through all the open windows
- (graphs, tables, etc.). QUED/M (excellent Mac text editor) has a
- command key (ctrl-T) for tiling all the open windows. End Note Plus
- (pretty good Mac program for building reference libraries and
- bibliographies) should have one or the other of these, but has
- neither.
- I seem to remember there was some kind of utility or FKEY (whatever
- happened to FKEYs?) which would let you cycle through all the open
- windows in a application using some kind of settable keyboard command.
- Does anything like this still exist (that's System-7 savvy)? If so,
- could it be attached as a resource to End Note, using ResEdit, so it
- would work only with End Note and not lead to possible confusion with
- other applications?
- --siegman@ee.stanford.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 09:53:16 -0700
- From: kroemer@apex.ece.ucsb.edu (Herb Kroemer)
- Subject: DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Help!)
- Many of the icons on the startup volume of my hard disk (Mac IIfx; System
- 7.1; SysUpdate 3.0) suddenly changed to generic icons. The main exceptions
- are icons of files belonging to applications that reside on a second volume
- (the hard disk is partitioned with SilverLining). Repeated attempts to
- rebuild the DeskTop by the standard Option-Command procedure did not
- restore the icons: The small desktop rebuild indicator window shows up only
- for a fraction of a second, and the two resulting DeskTop files (DB and DF)
- are miniscule (8K and 1K), compared to the hundreds of K previously.
- The second volume is not affected, and rebuilds properly. Mounting a third
- volume with its own system folder (normally not mounted), using IT as the
- startup volume, and then re-building also does not bring the sick volume
- back to health. (The third volume itself is fine).
- Disk First Aid 7.2 finds nothing wrong with the sick volume, neither does
- CP's DiskFix.
- The problem does not seem to affect the functioning of the machine, but
- something is clearly wrong, and I would like to fix it before something
- worse happens.
- Any advice?!
- Thanks
- HK
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Oct 1994 10:30:08 -0400
- From: "JT Green" <jt_green@code20.nl.nuwc.navy.mil>
- Subject: Energy-Star Suspend Mode
- When my Apple 20" multisync monitor is put to sleep with Apple's energy saver
- or After Dark, it takes 14 seconds to turn back on. This is much too long
- for my taste. :( A co-worker with a Pee-Cee has the same type monitor and
- can choose between the suspend mode (both yellow and green light lit) and the
- off mode that the Mac uses (yellow light only) with his screen saver. When
- using the suspend mode the monitor turns back on in a fraction of a second.
- We measured the current used in each mode and estimate the power at 165 watts
- when the monitor is on, 32 watts when in suspend mode , and 27 watts for the
- off mode. I would guess that the suspend mode leaves the CRT filament on and
- so it should age the monitor less than cycling the filament on and off. Now
- I'm looking for software that will allow the Mac to use the suspend mode,
- does anyone know of any? If not maybe someone could write it. :)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 16:06:01 -0300
- From: portinar@omega.lncc.br (Joao Candido Portinari)
- Subject: Erratic option key on a Duo 270c (Q)
- I am facing the following problem with my PowerBook Duo 270c,
- (I am now running System 7.5, but the problem already existed
- with System 7.1, with or without any extensions):
- The option key behaves as if it is logically down (nothing can
- be seen physically on the keyboard - btw, I have tried changing
- keyboards, to no avail), at random times, as if an invisible
- finger would press the option key (I repeat, nothing can be seen
- on the keyboard, but if one opens Key Caps, for instance, one can
- see the option key on the keyboard window become highlighted, on
- and off intermittently, sometimes wildly toggling between highlighted
- and non-hilited states). This happens even when one just sits there,
- watching, doing nothing to the PowerBook, or to its keyboard.
- I have tried everything I could, like zapping the PRAM, installing
- a new system, replacing the "keyboard" file, booting up with no
- extensions, changing keyboards (physical keyboards), etc.
- I would be grateful if any of my info-mac colleagues could give me
- a hint on what might be going on.
- Thanks in advance for any help you could provide.
- Joao
- Joao C. Portinari
- Projeto Portinari - PUC University
- Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 16:15:01 PDT
- From: jalvarez@beach.silcom.com (Joe Alvarez)
- Subject: Eudora won't trash mail!
- I am using Eudora 2.1 and have had an ongoing problem where items are being
- *copied* to the trash instead of moved. I discovered this by turning off
- the "empty trash at quit" setting. The table of contents does change, but
- upon trashing it and getting it rebuilt, the supposedly-trashed message
- reappears.
- I have Eudora and the mailboxes on the startup volume and have this same
- problem whether the mailbox is inside a nested folder or in the "root"
- Eudora Folder. I have trashed the old settings file, created new mailboxes
- and transferred all items, and I have done a drag&drop transfer and I
- always get the same result. This happens on both very large and very small
- mailboxes. I have rebuilt the desktop, run MacTools and Disk First Aid and
- re-booted w/all extensions off. There are currently about 25 Megs available
- on the volume.
- A normally very helpful chap at Qualcomm had no idea what was causing the
- problem. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
- Joe Alvarez --> jalvarez@beach.silcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 08 Oct 94 07:15:52 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Found a Font!
- Thanks to the following people for help in my logical font search:
- Peter Jorgensen
- David Ryeburn
- Jonathan Lundell
- "David Low"
- Graeme Forbes
- I thought that the characters should be in Symbol, but didn't see all of
- them. These people told me the arcane key combinations I needed to use in
- order to find them.
- BUT...the BIG thanks goes to Robert Winston, who directed me to the ZED font
- at mac.archive.umich.edu (/mac/system.extensions/font/type1/zed.cpt.hqx),
- which not only had all the symbols I was looking for, but didn't require
- that you boil eye of newt and tongue of dog while reciting in reverse Latin
- in order to find them. The archive includes both type1 and TrueType
- versions, and my math teachers are very happy with it.
- Once again, thanks to everyone. I hope I didn't leave anyone out.
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 11:32:45 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey C. Hoffman)
- Subject: FSP
- I have heard of a new file transfer protocol, called FSP (not FTP). I was
- wondering if anyone knew what it is, how well it works, and if there was an FSP
- client for the Mac. I friend told me about it and told me it worked pretty
- well.
- Thanks in advance.
- Geoffrey Hoffman
- Cornell University
- gch2@cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 10:26:26 -0500
- From: gch2@cornell.edu (Geoffrey C. Hoffman)
- Subject: Happy Mac Icon
- This is a little thing, but I was wondering if there was any way to change the
- smiley mac that you get when your mac starts up (just before the "welcome to
- Macintosh). I know you can change the message, but what about the Smiley Mac?
- Geoffrey Hoffman
- Cornell University
- gch2@cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 22:32:22 -0700
- From: rtaylor@netcom.com (Randy Taylor)
- Subject: help uploading files from netcom to mac
- Help!
- I have been uploading e-mail and plain text files for
- quite a while with VersaTerm 5.0.2 The problem is I would
- like to upload a mac binary. I'm trying to use "sx -k <file>"
- to do this but when the file arrives on my mac Stuffit Deluxe
- nor Stuffit Expander can open it up. Is there some other
- tool (besides sx) I should be using to send the data to my mac?
- Randy
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 11:50:50 -0700
- From: randolph@netcom.com (Randolph Fritz)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #131
- >
- > Problems arise when I try to use InterSLIP. I have configured
- >MacTCP and all, but the problem I am getting is always accompanied by a
- >dlog that says:"Interslip can't connect because the specified port's
- >driver cannot be opened"!!!!! Upon reattempting to connect from the
- >InterSLIP setup only results in a frozen mac. Bad crash, gotta nuke it to
- >get out of it (restart).
- >
- Luis, this is probably due to cable problems; my guess is that
- InterSLIP is looking for a DSR (Data Set [modem] Ready) or CD (Carrier
- Detect) signal; lacking one it hangs on port access. I'm not familiar
- with InterSLIP--if you can disable carrier detection that would
- probably fix your problem. If not, a connector hack on your modem
- port would do the trick; consult a local guru for construction
- details.
- Randolph Fritz
- randolph@netcom.com
- Software engineer, network wizard, and architecture student
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 1:53:41 EDT
- From: arudys@pen.k12.va.us (Algis P. Rudys)
- Subject: Internet Node....
- Hi:
- I plan to establish an Internet node at my High School.
- Is this possible to accomplish with a Mac Server, or should I
- go for a Unix workstation. If the former, then which one would
- be best suited (I am interested in MINIMAL requirements). Also,
- where is such basic software as telnet, FTP, etc available for
- Mac/A/UX. Finally, does anyone have an EMail address at apple
- for any applicable information?....
- I plan to establish a network for no more than 1,000
- users, no more than around 100 logins at the same time. The
- network is all IBM :*<, so unix (a/ux, poweropen when it comes
- out would) probably be preferable....
- I would be setting up the node myself, with some
- assistence from other students and teachers....
- Algis Rudys
- arudys@pen.k12.va.us
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 10:23:41 -0600
- From: jhyde01@bigcat.missouri.edu (J.R. Hyde)
- Subject: Keyboard won't let me shutdown
- I have a mac101e datadesk keyboard, and whenever I plug it into the
- computer, it works fine except that it can't shutdown. Both the Quadra 630
- and a IIcx (two radically different machines except that they both offer
- shutting down fully from the computer itself and starting from the
- keyboard) show this problem. I simply select shutdown from the menu and
- voila, it restarts. I have limited this to the keyboard, not system
- software (6.0.7 - 7.5 have been checked, with shift held down to disable
- extensions). Different keyboards work fine with the machines, this one
- simply started doing this one random day. any ideas? guess I'll call the
- company monday... thanks
- *******************************************
- Please send all replies to:
- jhyde01@bigcat.missouri.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 12:39:26 -0700
- From: randolph@netcom.com (Randolph Fritz)
- Subject: linux for ppcs (native)?
- [From the map's header]
- Code for these projects is not publicly available yet or in early ALPHA
- stage. However, the software is being worked on and will be eventually
- available. Please DO NOT send hundreds and thousands of questions to the
- developers but instead let them spend their time working on the project.
- The Linux Projects Map will be updated regularly and will be available on
- sunsite.unc.edu as /pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map.gz. The latest and greatest
- version is always being kept on ftp.ix.de:/pub/Linux/docs/Projects-Map.gz
- (if the version you are just reading is from sunsite and older than, say,
- two weeks, you may expect some outdated or changed entries. In this case I
- suggest to get the latest version from ftp.ix.de). A HTML version will be
- eventually available on ftp.ix.de.
- [From the map itself]
- Title: Linux/PowerPC
- Desc1: A port of the Linux 1.0 kernel to the PowerPC platform. Our
- current
- Desc2: hardware is an Apple PowerMac 7100/66, but we intend it to run
- Desc3: on all PowerPC/PCI/SCSI platforms (essentially, the current
- Desc4: PReP hardware plus some Power Macs.)
- Desc5:
- Author: A team of five people; contact Charlton Wilbur or Jem Lewis.
- AuthorEmail: cwilbur@polar.bowdoin.edu; jlewis@polar.bowdoin.edu
- InfoSources1: None yet; mailing list/WWW site on the way. You can sometimes
- InfoSources2: read interesting speculation on comp.sys.powerpc.
- InfoSources3: PowerPC news mentions us every now and again.
- Assistance: not required
- CurrentStat: some development tools ported; kernel in 1st code runs
- ETA: kernel, Sept 94; device drivers, good question.
- Remarks1: The biggest FAQ we've run into:
- Remarks2: This runs *instead* of System 7, not on top of it or
- Remarks3: on top of SoftWindows. Although I don't think it's been
- Remarks4: tried, Linux probably won't run on top of SoftWindows because
- Remarks5: it only emulates a 286 at the moment.
- Entered: 26 Aug 1994
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:31:14 +0100
- From: Buser_Christian@macquality.ch (Buser Christian)
- Subject: Mac Plus (R)
- jsever@crrel41.crrel.usace.army.mil (John Severance) wrote:
- >I have a MacPlus that, like so many of them, recently died.
- Which part of the MacPlus died? Would be important to know.
- >The SCSI port and drive cable are 19-pin connectors.
- >Is there a way I can access the disk (assuming it is ok) and retrieve my
- >iles? I'm now using a Mac II and the SCSI connector is 25-pin. Are there
- >such things as adapters from 25-pin to 19-pin? Can I remove the drive
- >from it's case? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
- The Plus uses the same SCSI-out-connector as do the MacII, Centris,
- Quadra, etc. models. Are you sure about your statement? It should be
- - as far as I remember from my Plus and from the other devices I see
- daily - a 25 pin connector.
- You probably have a non-SCSI drive attached to your Plus, connecting
- through the floppy drive port. In this case, your only solutions are:
- 1) find the software to access an old Apple harddisk which is connected
- to the floppy port. I think you need (at least) a file called HD-20
- or something like this. Should be in system software 4.x or 5.x
- floppies.
- 2) find someone with a Mac which has a floppy port - any Plus, SE, SE/30
- does have one; not sure about the "original" Mac II and IIx. There are
- definitely no floppy ports on the recent models.
- or, as an alternative:
- Take your most recent backup and restore it to a new harddisk. (I assume
- you have made a backup every day, right ....?)
- or, as a second alternative:
- Have the MacPlus repaired - but you won't be able to use your files during
- the time the Plus is in the "hospital", and I don't know whether you think
- it's worth the cost. If you know what's broken and are able to use a
- soldering iron and the like, and you know what to do (or have someone in
- your user group or among your neighbours), you can try to get it work
- again without too much cost. Spare parts are available from various
- sources; look into the classified ad section of Macworld magazine, or
- MacUser magazine.
- Best wishes, Christian.
- *
- Original from address: Christian Buser
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 18:35:15 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Mac S-L-O-W-S Down
- My Quadra 700's get up and go got up and went. If it left on
- for several hours, it gets so slow that a Mac Plus can speed
- past it. Applications slow to a crawl, the finder slowly draws
- icons, etc. Rebooting seems to cure the problem for a while.
- No virus problems, so it must be some extension that I've added
- recently. Since this kind of problem is hard to pinpoint,
- I'm curious if anyone else has encountered this or has some
- ideas.
- Jeffrey Fritz
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- West Virginia University
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 15:02 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: MacTCP having trouble locating nameserver (Q)
- Greetings,
- I am using MacTCP 2.0.4 and Interslip 1.0.1 on a SLIP connection over my
- modem. The ccl script claims that I have been connected, and the settings
- appear to be appropriate for my SLIP provider. However, when I call upon
- Fetch 2.1.2, TurboGopher 1.0.7, NCSA-Telnet 2.6 to locate a nameserver or IP
- adddress I know not to be busy from my VT100 emulation software, all any of
- these clients tell me is that they can not locate the domain nameserver.
- Worst of all, sometimes the clients crash with an Error #14, or the mouse
- freezes and forces me to Control-Apple-Reset reboot. Sometimes I am able to
- force quit the application, sometimes not. Are these software too clients for
- use on a 68020 LC with System 7 and 10 MB of RAM? Is my SLIP provider giving
- me misinformation? Are there other software that do the same thing but run on
- an LC just fine?
- Please help. I am willing to give all the settings. BTW would the password
- in Interslip Setup be the same as the password given during a normal dial-in?
- My service provider has been unwilling to help. The service provider is
- us.net. Perhaps if someone from US.NET reads this, please help.
- Thank you.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 11:45:13 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "X. Duan" <duan@plains.NoDak.edu>
- Subject: making postscript file
- Does any one know how to convert a mac word-processor file to a
- postscript file which can be printed on an IBM leaser printer?
- Thanks!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 11:15:28 -0400
- From: glgesm@engr.psu.edu (Gary L. Gray)
- Subject: More on the RamDoubler conflicts with PPC6100 [A]
- > With SCSI Manager 4.3 out of the way, the machine seems to be working
- > properly.
- > Keep in mind my contention that this problem is *directly* influenced by
- > the presence of
- > RamDoubler 1.5. This was absolutely reproducible.
- Doesn't RAMDoubler 1.5 have a known problem with the SCSI Manager 4.3
- extension? Version 1.5.1 is supposed to fix that. You can find the updater
- on AOL or on sumex or one of its mirrors.
- Best regards,
- --
- Gary L. Gray | Engineering Science & Mechanics
- Assistant Professor | Penn State University
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Oct 1994 19:42:27 GMT
- From: gordono@airage.com (Gordon Oppenheimer)
- Subject: Powerbook Newbie Suggestions?
- We will be getting three powerbooks for our company so our writers can work
- on the road. I am new to the powerbooks and I want your suggestions!
- What are the best utilities (esp. shareware) for the powerbook?
- Any other advice would be appreciated.
- Please respond directly to me.
- Gordon Oppenheimer (gordono@airage.com)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 23:10:32 -0500
- From: rodemer@interaccess.com (Michael Rodemer)
- Subject: powerbook serial port timeout
- > I am using an implementation of a Motorola 68hc11 MCU for data
- > acquisition for artworks; it works fine with every Mac I've tried except
- > my Powerbook 165C with internal express modem. I have tried turning off
- > the modem, removing its init and restarting, switching to the external
- > modem and/or restarting, using the printer port, on and on -- still, when i
- > use the serial XCMD in HyperCard to send a message to the MCU board, I get
- > an error: "Serial output timeout," although no error shows up when the
- > contact is first made with the board. Any help will be appreciated.
- Thanks much,
- ================================
- Michael Rodemer
- Assistant Professor
- Dept. of Art & Technology
- School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- 112 South Michigan Avenue
- Chicago, IL 60603
- Tel. 312-345-3567
- Fax 312-345-3565
- rodemer@interaccess.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 21:40:54 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Cindy A Seward <cseward@tenet.edu>
- Subject: Problem with Power
- I have a Duo 270c and am having difficulty in turning the crazy thing on
- when it is not connected to a power source. The battery is full, but when
- I try to start up using it, I get NOTHING. Hope there is a simple
- explanation. Thanks in advance.
- Cindy Seward
- cseward@tenet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:30:00 -0600 (MDT)
- From: tappr@cuug.ab.ca (Rick Tapp)
- Subject: Releasing the serial port
- Hi All
- I finally got a serial port switch for my two printers, a StyleWriter II
- and a Roland Raven running through an Orange Micro Grappler (9 pin).
- My only problem seems to be that Grappler won't release the serial
- port when I try to switch back to the StyleWriter II. I seem to
- remember that there was a small util which would force release of the
- serial port. Anyone know of its location?
- BTW, I did't get a definitive answer on the Canon replacement cartridge
- for the StyleWiter II. Someone did mention that the BC02 cartridge might
- be a better replacement than the BC01 so I'm going to check into
- that.
- Rick Tapp tappr@cuug.ab.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 11:51:07 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: Sharing slow to start up
- >2. I have heard from others who have noted that file sharing startup can
- >take up to several
- > minutes. This delayed startup is intermittent and extremely annoying.
- >Imagine starting a
- > shutdown, and then having to wait for 3-4 minutes before the action
- >completes!
- I don't know if this is the case or not with 7.5, but if the invisible
- AppleShare Prep files on the root of each disk get corrupted, file sharing
- can take a long time to start up. Just delete those files (it will rebuild)
- to speed it up. I think this will destroy your Sharing priviledges
- though...
- cheers ... -Adam
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07 Oct 94 12:50:41 EDT
- From: Robert.H.Gross@Dartmouth.EDU (Robert H. Gross)
- Subject: System 7.5 faster!
- OK. I'll join in. I have installed 7.5 on both a Mac II and on a IIci. In
- both cases there was a noticable speed up in the operation of the Finder
- (copying files and desktop redraws). It was especially obvious on the Mac II.
- In my little three computer network, I had no need for PowerTalk so I turned
- it off - it did not seem to make any difference in speed. QuickDraw GX seems
- nice, but no programs I use take advantage of it and it swells the System
- requirements by quite a bit - it got turned off too with only a slight
- improvement in speed.
- I have been used to using Now Menus (in System 7.1), but have been using the
- heirarchical Apple menus supplied with System 7.5, at least until I am
- confident that all my applications are running normally. I have not noticed
- any particular slowness in this feature (and NowMenus DOES work in my system
- for all but the Apple Menu).
- Maybe those folks who have been experiencing slow System 7.5 behavior should
- turn off all the non-Apple extensions and try running that way for a while to
- see what the speed is like. Then add your extensions back one at a time until
- you can identify the bottleneck. My IIci has about 25 extensions and control
- panels, only about 10 of which are Apple's. I am very pleased with the speed
- of operation. Apple did a nice job.
- Bob Gross <bob.gross@dartmouth.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 16:10:11 +1300
- From: Maynard James Handley <maynard@elwing.otago.ac.nz>
- Subject: System 7.5 Speed
- I posted this in comp.sys.mac.system, but it seems to be a big issue here
- and some users may not have News access.
- To fix the HORRIBLY slow delays in Finder 7.5, switch off the Apple Menu
- Options control panel. Your machine will seem much zippier. Once you get
- that speed back, you can play around with the Apple Menu Options settings
- and see if you care about them enough to put up the slowness they entail.
- (Personally I use Now Utils to give me that functionality without the
- speed cost.)
- See ya all,
- Maynard Handley
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 13:07:28 +0200
- From: kwakkenb@knoware.nl (R.C.J. Kwakkenbos)
- Subject: typing tutor
- I've seen a few years ago a program called typing tutor, a nice program to
- learn to type. Does anyone know where i can find this?
- thanks and wkr
- ruud kwakkenbos
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 09 Oct 94 05:53:00 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Unexplainable Shutdowns
- >Sometimes, when I boot, before very much has started to load, the Mac will
- >just shut down. Other times it boots fine. Still others, it shuts down of
- >its own accord, without apparent warning, often right in the middle of
- >something that I'm working on. I can't find a reason.
- >
- >First, I haven't added any software for at least 8 months so I doubt there's
- a
- >conflict. Second, I took the box to a dealer who bench tested it and
- >(naturally) couldn't replicate the mysterious shutdown problem.
- >
- >My only guess is that it might be a power supply problem. The internal
- power
- >supply tested fine, but could line voltage fluctuations cause this type of
- >shutdown? I am attached to the wall via a surge protector...what's going
- on?
- I had a similar problem on my Quadra 950--even had the power supply replaced
- under warranty. It turned out to be the surge/battery backup I had installed
- (which American Power Conversion replaced for free, including them FedExing a
- new unit to me overnight--GREAT company!).
- Try yours without the surge protector installed (or better yet a different
- one) and see if it still shuts down unexpectedly.
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 94 13:01:24 MST
- From: jlundell@skull.opus.com (Jonathan Lundell)
- Subject: Unix digest viewer
- Is there a Unix-based (Solaris 1 in particular, or compilable source)
- viewer suitable for digests like info-mac? It's convenient for me to
- receive it on my Unix box, but Sun's mailtool is pretty lame for big
- digests.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 09 Oct 94 16:53:02 EDT
- From: Hans Kroeger <100136.3052@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Unmount Syquest
- Marks@boulder.nist.gov writes:
- >I can't eject SyQuest disks with File Sharing on, even though Sharing is
- >disabled for the disk I'd like to remove.
- >Is there a workaround?
- Roger,
- you need "UnmountIt".....
- Hans
- kroeger@spacediv.dofn.de
- kroeger@stsci.edu
- 100136.3052@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 08:59:42 -0500
- From: djgoldf@erenj.com (David Goldfarb)
- Subject: Upgrading a Classic and a Plus [Q]
- A year ago I purchased a bare-bones, used Mac Classic (2MB RAM, no hard
- drive). I'm finally getting around to installing a hard drive in it and
- most likely install an accelerator, and have a few questions:
- 1. Do I need to install an internal drive or can I get away with only an
- external drive (the local computer store Mac guru said that I need to worry
- about termination inside the Mac and hence must install an internal drive)?
- 2A. What is folks experience with accelerators in lower end Macs (in my
- case, the Classic and a Plus)? Specifically, what is people's experience
- with MicroMac accelerators? Any compatability problems? Any other
- options, or have they all gone out of business?
- 2B. If I install a MicroMac Accelerator, can I now run RAM Doubler on it
- (since it has a built-in PMMU)?
- Thanks in advance for your support,
- David
- David Goldfarb (djgoldf@erenj.com)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 01:41:03 -0700 (PDT)
- From: nschneid@netcom.com (nschneid@netcom.com)
- Subject: UPS's
- Hello netters-
- A couple of questions:
- 1) Do the new PowerMacs ship with 7.1 or 7.5 or something else?
- 2) Does anyone have any good/bad experiences with any brand of UPS's
- (uninterupted power supplies)? My family and I will be moving to the
- Philippines soon, and I understand that Manila in particular is
- notorious for brownouts. I saw the company APC advertise in the
- latest MacWorld or MacUser and sent away for some fax info. Their
- line of Back-UPS sound pretty good. Any opinions?
- Thanks in advance for your responses either here or email directly.
- Nancy nschneid@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 02:33:08 CST
- From: kylea@INS.INFONET.NET
- Subject: WYSIWYG (Now Utilities) on 6.0.8
- Hello all.
- I posted a request a few days back (yes, I'm behind on the reading) looking
- for a Now Utilities 4.0 equivalent for WYSIWYG menus for a friend running
- 6.0.8 on an SE. Turns out I had it in an archive and didn't even know it.
- It's called Wizzyfonts. I'll post the stuffed and binhexed file here (it
- will be in a second post -- I don't know how to send text and a file at once
- on this system). Apologies to the author -- I don't think all the docs. are
- there anymore. Maybe someone out there has the full file? ;-)
- While I'm at it though, I am looking for the current versions of some
- software I have. I don't know the current version nos. or even if the
- publishers are even still in business. Can someone help me out?
- TIA (I'll post a summary later)
- Kyle Allender
- kylea@ins.infonet.net
- (please post replies direct, thank you)
- P.S. Thanx everyone for the help on the .MOD files about 2 weeks ago. With
- classes the way they are (mid-terms) I haven't had time to compile a summary
- post. I'll take care of that this week, though.
- P.P.S. The software I need:
- MacConcept (CAD for the Mac) by Klex Software v 3.2v03 copyright 1991
- TypeStyler 1.5.3 by Strider Software copyright 1989, 1990
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 10:26:08 CET
- From: "Cd Soft S.D.F." <MC5422@mclink.it>
- Subject: Z-Term Ppc Bug?
- Hello,
- I download the new Z-TERM program but when I try to execute it on my PPC
- 6100 the finder give me an error ("DRAG-LIB" not found) and quits Z-TERM
- If I run Z-TERM on a 68030 CPU, it works fine.
- Is there any other module to install or is it a bug?
- Thank You
- Santino Cusimano
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 22:25:53 GMT
- From: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (Steve Portigal)
- Subject: Zterm 1.0b2 high speed patch needed?
- There is that high speed patch to use 16 colours with higher than 9600
- baud modems with Zterm. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this with the
- newest beta
- version of Zterm and has any opinions as to whether we should be patching
- this new versino or putting up with terrible character throughput.
- Steve Portigal
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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